Risk Assessment

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The executives are the chair holder, the program coordinator and employees of the Chair of Cartography.



General danger from road traffic. The journey takes place in a coach that drives on public roads and stops at rest areas.

Solar radiation

There is no danger in Central European weather conditions. In normal weather conditions, people with skin types I to III may experience reddening of the skin or even sunburn. In bad weather conditions, the risk is assessed at the excursion location and paused/cancelled if necessary.


Due to unfavorable weather conditions, large cities can become very hot, which can lead to great physical strain, even at night.


There is a stable population of the Asian tiger mosquito at the excursion sites. It is an important vector of pathogens such as the Zika virus, the chikungunya virus and the dengue virus. Depending on the excursion location, there may be a large number of mosquitoes. There is therefore a risk of mosquito bites.

Leisure activities

Individual leisure activities during the excursion days can lead to injuries, physical impairments or even death.

Measures to prevent accidents

Before the excursion

Information website
An information website will be made freely available to all participating students. The program and the events are presented there.
Health status
The coordinator inquires in advance about the state of health of his students.

During the excursion

The coach provided is in perfect technical condition. Luggage is stowed safely and securely. The journey is made by the shortest and quickest route, whereby the bus driver’s statutory driving times are observed.
Solar radiation
Students must ensure that they have sufficient sun protection themselves. Sun milk (factor 30 and higher), lip balm (with sun protection), head protection (umbrella) and possibly long suitable clothing.
Students must ensure that they stay hydrated during the trip. Opportunities to purchase drinks or refill bottles are available at all times.
Mosquito protection
Students can use commercially available products such as mosquito nets or mosquito lotions to ensure adequate mosquito protection and must provide this for themselves.
Leisure activities
Leisure activities are at your own risk.

First aid

The coordinator carries a 1st aid kit to treat minor injuries. Further 1st aid kits are located on the coach and in all public buildings and companies. Defibrilators can be found at selected locations and public places. Emergency numbers and contact numbers are exchanged.

Emergency numbers

Toxicology Department of the II Medical Clinic rechts der Isar
Ismaninger Street 22
81675 Munich
Phone: +49 89 19240
Web: www.toxinfo.org

Accident report

No emergency call is possible without a network and in the radio shadow. A change to a better location is necessary. An emergency call can be made with any smartphone by pressing the on/off button. Emergency numbers have connection priority in the mobile network.
  • Who reports / callback number?
  • Where exactly is the accident location?
  • What happened?
  • How many injured?